Jake's Auto Body is a business in Kansas City, KS.
Jake's Auto Body is a company that has been operational since 2012, offering products or services in the industry of . For additional details of the nature of this business, it is registered under with the SIC code 7532 and under the NAICS code 8111210 ().
Jake's Auto Body now supports a growing employee population of 1 to 4 and the business makes an estimated annual revenue of $100.000 to $499.999. The company can be reached for inquiries about BOTH market variables and other concerns by contacting by phone (913) 371-1515.
For added convenience and more information, Jake's Auto Body also has a website at , and can be accessed and followed through the social media outlets Twitter and Facebook . Visit Jake's Auto Body’s physical single location at 3610 Washington Avenue, Wyandotte, Kansas or locate it via the coordinates 39.119282,-94.669318.